Since our incorporation in 2010 Rinova has been involved in all aspects of the delivery of successful, high-performing, large-scale ESF programmes. From the innovative pan-London, Aspire2 programme (led by partner Collage Arts), which moved young NEETs directly into Apprenticeships, to the highly successful East London Skills Support for the Unemployed programme (led by partner 15Billion).
During this time, Rinova has worked closely with its partners to project manage, deliver and quality assure high impact projects that continue to meet the challenges faced by some of the most marginalized and disadvantaged groups in the capital. Until this time, due to our relative infancy as a new venture (albeit one full of ‘old hands’ and seasoned experts), Rinova has always worked closely with trusted partners in a supportive, enabling role, with those partners acting as Lead.
This changed in the summer of 2016, a year which saw Rinova become potentially the biggest single deliverer of Erasmus+ in the UK, and transform to a fully-fledged Employee Owned Company. Working closely with partners from Wandsworth LA’s Lifelong Learning Department, and independent provider Learn Train Recruit, Rinova, for the first time, bid for and was subsequently awarded a significant SFA contract as Lead.
In July 2016 Rinova was awarded the SFA/ESF funded Sector Specific Careers Cluster for the Food and Accommodation Services. One of only 2 successful Sector Specific clusters, we built on expertise developed through the multiple Travel, Tourism and Hospitality projects we currently run across Europe. As a result, this programme will enable us to deliver an exciting package of employer endorsed activities, in schools and colleges, with the specific aim of promoting the many varied and exciting career opportunities available in the industry, across the capital. Working hand in hand with Wandsworth LA’s Lifelong Learning Department to extend the popular Wandsworth Young Chef programme and with partner Learn Train Recruit to develop further the Academy of Excellence model – we will bring together prestigious employers, schools and colleges to develop an exciting offer for the benefit of employers, teachers and individual learners.
Of course, nothing will change in the way we work with our partners or in our approach to quality delivery. We will continue to work collaboratively and equally with long term partners, Wandsworth Life Long Learning and Hospitality specialists, Learn Train Recruit, as we continue to embody and promote the true ethos of ‘partnership’ working – but it is a significant moment for Rinova and a real milestone in an already eventful year.
We look forward to working closely with our partners on this project to deliver something truly innovative and inspiring. We are genuinely excited and look forward to updating you on the progress of this very unique project.
To follow: