The Rinova Consortium is a unique pan-London informal network of training , enterprise and employment providers, working together to create new learning and economic opportunities for people of all ages. We do this through long-standing and effective partnerships, jointly design and deliver programmes, quality assurance, seconding staff and associates to ensure complementary expertise in delivery and using each other’s facilities. Together we implement creative and imaginative provision in sectors such as the arts, creative industries, hospitality and tourism, health and well-being and active leisure, to engage and inspire people to access skills and learning, enter the labour market, progress within it, or return to work and self-employment.
We have extensive reach within these growing job sectors, through our employer networks and those of our consortium partners providing access to young people ‘NEET’ (not in employment, education or training) to traineeships and apprenticeships, and to people of all ages and backgrounds to access business start-up, local and international skills training and job opportunities.
If you would like to work with us in the Rinova consortium, click here to contact us.