Job Broker is a three-year Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Strategic Partnership. It is led by Rinova, and the partnership involves a network of organisations with which Rinova has co-operated in various contexts from Spain, Italy, Iceland, Austria, Greece, Germany and Cyprus. The focus of the project is to develop a European-wide approach to the professional development and recognition of staff that, in different ways, are ‘brokering’ job and career opportunities between employers, training organisations and people who are unemployed or otherwise disadvantaged in the labour market.
The participating organisations are drawn from a variety of contexts – public employment services, vocational training agencies, professional development bodies – that are all involved with the development or provision of services to support unemployed people in the labour market.
At their most recent meeting, held on the 7th and 8th of July in Reykjavik, the partners presented the results of a programme of research into the current situation and the factors that surround effective job brokering, which each had completed in each of the participating countries.
The results of the research will now be used to inform the development of a Job Broker occupational specification and professional standards, and also to inform a learning programme for job brokers which will be designed and tested in the later part of 2016 and through 2017.
The partnership recently launched its website, which contains detailed information about the project. The website can be accessed here. You can stay in touch with the project by connecting with the project’s Facebook page, which is accessible via the website, or by registering your details via the site to receive the project e-zine.
Pictured above: Members of the Job Broker partnership discuss the results of their research at the recent meeting in Reykjavik, Iceland.