Rinova Ltd are delighted to announce that we have been awarded funding under the new Greater London Authority (GLA) Adult Education Budget (AEB) Jobs and Skills for Londoners provision. This important funding opportunity will allow Rinova to build on the recent success of our 2 Mayors Academies, with their focus on the creative Industries and hospitality sector. With AEB funding approved for 2023 – 24/5, Rinova will be expanding and extending our offer to new audiences, whilst maintaining the quality and innovation developed through our current provision.
As well as continuing to develop our work in these 2 key sectors, working closely with our partners on the AEB contract we will be extending our offer to include Health and Social Care.
We, at Rinova, are delighted with the opportunities this will provide, for the development of the organisation, but even more importantly for the participants we support.
Watch this space for more information on these new programmes of activity, as they develop and a very special Launch taking place later this summer!