Best Practice Digital and Web Tools for Trainers

For some years now, but perhaps particularly accelerated by Covid-19, training programmes of all kinds are supported by digital and online tools.   Over the past three years, from the UK, Rinova has been part of the i-CONTENT Erasmus+ project, aimed at developing web-based learning resources and tools for freelance trainers and small providers who…

New curriculum for creative trainers on Ecodesign

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity today. It is a complex subject. Many solutions require a new paradigm of radical changes of policy at national and supra-national level.  Understanding what actions we can take at an individual and organisational level is not straightforward and can leave us feeling powerless to know…

Rinova Secures GLA AEB funding!

Rinova Ltd are delighted to announce that we have been awarded funding under the new Greater London Authority (GLA) Adult Education Budget (AEB) Jobs and Skills for Londoners provision. This important funding opportunity will allow Rinova to build on the recent success of our 2 Mayors Academies, with their focus on the creative Industries and…

Creative Re-Work…The Story So Far

  With one successful cycle of delivery of the Creative Re-Work project behind us, this is a good time to showcase both the model and its impact to date. The creative sector currently employs 2 million people and is predicted to employ another million by 2030. The highest proportion of creative jobs are in London (…

Hospitality Skills Swap – Full Steam Ahead!

At Rinova, we’ve been exploring the concept of skills swaps in the Hospitality Sector for towards three years. The idea of skills swaps were originally conceived following discussions with hospitality and tourism companies in London where we’ve been exploring various novel ways to address skills shortages and recruitment issues through our Hospitality Academy. Skills swaps…