In January this year Rinova successfully bid for and became one of just two organisations in London delivering the Greater London Authority’s Head2Work project which is funded under the GLA’s ESF 2014-20 co-financing programme.
This innovative programme aims to support 200 young people, between the age of 18-24 who are currently NEET, into sustained employment or education. However, unlike traditional delivery programmes, as well as offering the regular combination of practical training, employer interventions and wrap around support the H2W programme focuses on the development of Social Action Programmes, as a way of better preparing young people for the world of work. These Social Action Programmes (SAPs) can take many forms; producing short videos and documentaries to highlight social issues of concern to the young people (i.e. homelessness, environmental issues), working practically with local charities and grass roots organisations to deliver services to the local community or undertaking activities to raise funds for charity.
Using for inspiration models that we developed during our time as Lead on the very successful Big Lottery-funded Talent Match and the current ESF-funded Careers Clusters, Rinova are presently working with partners and learners to develop a menu of exciting and innovative SAP’s. Over the next two and a half years, our teams of experienced trainers and youth workers will then work alongside the young people to help them devise a SAP that is truly their own – using these SAPs to build their confidence, learn new skills and hone those important transferable skills that employers so desperately need in any prospective employee. While the recent Covid 19 situation has meant that we have had to adapt our programme accordingly, we are continuing to support young people and already have young people on programme and currently undertaking the initial stages of their training and support.
Over the coming months we look forward to launching a series of SAP’s with our young people at the helm and we have no doubt that these Social Action Programmes will be every bit as creative and innovative as we have seen from our young people in the past. As they develop, we intend to showcase their work here on the Rinova website. Watch this spaceā¦.