We are delighted to announce the start of our newly-approved Erasmus+ project’Skills Swap’.
Over the next 3 years we will be working in London and across Europe with our partners and hospitality industry companies, large and small.
Hospitality – the largest part of Europe’s tourism sector – has been decimated by the Covid-19 pandemic, both domestically and in terms of international travel. We are all looking forward to a resumption of regular life, whilst also thinking about new ways that tourism and hospitality can operate. Our aim in the Skills Swap project is to support post-Covid recovery in this hard-hit sector by developing and testing a novel work-based learning methodology for employees and apprentices. We have already started our planning on-line and, in the New Year, we get going by co-designing our approach in detail, in full consultation with our industry partners.
We are also trialling and implementing the concept of skills swap in our Hospitality Pathways programme in London, which is part funded by the European Social Fund. This new Erasmus+ project gives us a fantastic platform to internationalise the concept, whilst also providing a much-needed opportunity to develop new learning and guidance materials.
The project is led by Rinova and our partners in this venture are Dimitra (Greece), EdITC (Cyprus), Sextaplanta from Malaga and the Zaragoza Chamber of Commerce, both from Spain, and Folkuniversitetet (Sweden).
We will be providing regular updates via our social media channels and a project website designed specifically for the projet will be launched in the new year.
If you would like to find out more about Skills Swap and stay in touch about our work in this area, please contact Amanda Francis of Rinova at a.francis@rinova.co.uk.
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