We have been working closely with our Croatian partners from Rijeka, Association Prostor Plus since 2012 – through our partnership with them in the European Cultural Learning Network and the Aspire2create project.
We were delighted to learn from them that the selection panel of independent experts responsible for assessing the Croatian cities competing to be the 2020 European Capital of Culture has recommended that Rijeka should be awarded the title.
We are now working with Protor Plus in Rijeka in a new, recently-launched three-year Erasmus+ project, Talent Matching, which will be announced on this website shortly.
Rijeka is now the third European Capital of Culture with which we have an active partnership. We have been working with VIA University College, Aarhus, Denmark (which is the ECoC in 2017) since our inception and we were invited to speak to over 100 stakeholders there last September.
We are also in close partnership with Materahub in Matera, Italy, which is the EcoC for 2019. We ran a two-day programme there in January (see here) and we are returning to Matera in April to run a second business support event with over 30 local cultural practitioners.