According to the Young Foundation ‘The Way to Work’, the world of work and transitions into adulthood and economic independence are in a state of flux. Young people negotiating their transitions to adulthood are faced with unprecedented choice and opportunity, but also far greater levels of uncertainty and risk.
New data suggests a record level of dependency that has sobering social and demographic implications (Eurofound); it is not only the world of work but society that is changing, so transitions for many young people are becoming much more unpredictable, resulting in very low life satisfaction, very high levels of deprivation and social exclusion. This is coupled with strong evidence that suggests that the shift in labour markets and the workplace now calls for transformative change that results in a more flexible approach to the provision of Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) and Careers Guidance – calling for new skills, new attitudes and new behaviours.
As unemployment for many young European citizens remains at a high level across Europe, Rinova is the coordinator of an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership for Adult Education, ‘Guide 2.0’. It is working with its long-standing partners Ballymun Job Centre (Ireland), Metropolisnet (a European network based in Berlin, of which Rinova is a member), CIOPFS-FP Association (Italy), Eurocircle (France) and Tampere City Council Employment Unit (Finland) through the Erasmus+ programme to come together to cooperate for innovation and the exchange of good practices.
Launching the project at their inception meeting on the 22nd and 23rd October in London (pictured left), the partners are now fully prepared to collaborate on the successful delivery of Guide 2.0 through to 31st October 2020.
Guide 2.0 builds upon two highly successful predecessor projects, Good Guidance Stories and Good Guidance Stories Plus and adds to the resources produced by creating seven brand-new case studies that focus on the four dimensions of employability, which will be co-designed and co-produced through a Community of Practice.
For more information about Guide 2.0 contact Julie Parish of Rinova at .
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