We are delighted to share very good news about our Erasmus+ DigiGuide project, which started in 2021 and is now going through its core months of delivery!
The project builds upon the innovatory and transnational approach of our previous projects Guide 2.0 and Good Guidance Stories Plus, which have been exploring, testing and implementing innovations in the case study learning approach to competence development for improved Information Advice and Guidance (IAG) practice.
Continuing the Guide pathway and responding to the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness call, DigiGuide aims now to bring together IAG and Digital competence development to improve, consolidate a
nd expand the digital competences of IAG practitioners so they can access and benefit from high quality e-learning resources.
This partnership includes six partners from different European countries. Some partners are well known to the Guide legacy, such us the new lead Ballymun Job Centre (IE) as well as Ciofs-FP (IT), Eurocircle (FR) and us at Rinova (UK). The old Guide partners are joined by the new perspectives and skills of 3IN-tech (ES) and Dimitra (EL).
As mentioned above, DigiGuide is combining the validated and immediately usable case study method with a new digital dimension, maximising potential for interactive learning, while keeping the high value of exchange, interaction and identification which have been realised as Guide’s strengths. At the core of the project there are the concepts of co-production and action learning. Project outputs and learning content are first developed by an online, transnational Community of Practice (CoP). These professionals then involve local colleagues in national action learning sets to contribute to and validate the content produced.
After a few months of preparation, the DigiGuide CoP was set up in January 2022, including 29 members from the 6 partner countries. Since then, it has been meeting online three times, to then join forces at in Malaga where some representatives had the chance to meet in person to review progress and plan the upcoming actions. The meeting was hosted by 3IN-tech at Polo Digital Content centre where Rinova’s Spanish company, Rinova Malaga, is also based. Other three virtual meetings are planned by the end of the year, focused on the co-production, launch and peer review of the DigiGuide e-learning platform for IAG practitioners which will host the four brand-new digital case study being developed by the CoP members themselves.
More information and updates from the DigiGuide CoP to come soon!
To find out more, contact Michele De Vito at m.devito@rinova.co.uk or visit the project website at www.digiguideproject.eu
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