Over the past year, Rinova has been working closely as the UK partner with organisations from Croatia, Slovakia and Serbia to implement the European Partnerships for Apprenticeships, (EP4A) project, being fully involved in the programme’s delivery and completion of key publications.

EP4A is funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme, specifically ‘Key Action 3’, which supports a wide variety of actions aimed at stimulating innovative policy development, policy dialogue and implementation, and the exchange of knowledge in the fields of education, training and youth.

In March, Rinova hosted and delivered a Capacity Building study visit for members of the Chambers of Commerce, development agencies and work-based learning professionals from Croatia, Serbia and Slovakia. The purpose of the visit was to learn about the UK Apprenticeship sector and how to implement an efficient Employer Engagement strategy, with an emphasis on the engagement of SMEs, based on the UK model. This was followed by the publication of an EP4A Study Pack for participants in order to assist them to design, develop and deliver advocacy training in their own country for key work-based learning and apprenticeship professionals.

Between November 2016 and March 2017, each EP4A partner researched, composed and published a Needs Analysis Report for their country, which contributed towards the publication of the EP4A Combined Report and Best Practice Handbook. The final publications provided an insightful resource of information about the current situation of the apprenticeship and wider work-based learning sectors in Croatia, UK, Serbia and Slovakia, while also providing key guidance to all partners in capacity building the sector in their country.

To learn more about the EP4A programme visit here.

All of the EP4A publications can be downloaded here.


More about EP4A:

The European Union Erasmus+ project Get involved in EP4A: European Partnerships for Apprenticeships brings together intermediary organisations and vocational education and training (VET) stakeholders to build capacities of intermediary bodies such as chambers of commerce, industry, trades and crafts supporting apprenticeships in SMEs and to support strong partnerships with social partners and other relevant stakeholders such as chambers and various competent institutions.

The project’s overall aim is “to contribute to the increased employability of young people in the partner countries” enabling them to meet the Europe 2020 and respective national targets.  Its specific objective is to promote apprenticeships by building partnerships between intermediary bodies, companies, VET providers, public authorities and social partners in project countries.

Apart from establishing partnerships between businesses, VET providers and intermediary organisations together with public authorities and social partners with the aim of getting more SMEs involved in apprenticeships; the project will enhance the awareness of the benefits of apprenticeships among target SMEs through the implementation of tailor-made attractiveness campaigns. The main target group are SMEs with no or limited experience in apprenticeships. This project will also involve public authorities such as ministries and VET agencies, VET providers, student and parent associations, social partners and other related key stakeholders.

EP4A is expected to generate wide and high quality impact on SME level. SMEs will be able to co-shape work-based learning reform within the apprenticeship partnership structures and thus contribute to the modernisation, attractiveness and better accessibility of apprenticeships; benefit from better awareness and advisory services on apprenticeships programmes (planned and existing) and be recognised and awarded for recruiting apprentices.

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